The Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) program provides grants to communities at risk from wildfire to develop or revise their community wildfire protection plans and carry out mitigation projects described within those plans. It is administered by the USDA Forest Service.
Wildfire Prevention
Wildfire Safety Pictographs
Developed by FEMA’s U.S. Fire Administration, these free pictographs provide visual wildfire prevention messages. Using pictographs can help overcome language and literacy barriers.
Communication, Education, and Prevention Committee (CEPC)
The Communication, Education, and Prevention Committee (CEPC) of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group provides national leadership, support, and coordination in all areas of wildland fire education and prevention. Prevention and education teams are available to support any geographic area preceding and during periods of high fire danger or fire activity.
National Association of State Foresters
The National Association of State Foresters is a non-profit organization composed of the directors of forestry agencies in the states, U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. State foresters manage and protect state and private forests, which encompass nearly two-thirds of the nation’s forests.
Smokey Bear
The Smokey Bear website provides tips and resources about how to be safe with your campfire, how to use and maintain outdoor equipment and vehicles in ways that prevent sparking a wildfire, how to prevent wildfires from backyard debris burning, and other ways to be fire-smart at home and on the go.